I’m so excited that the Candy Palace has reopened in Disneyland! The new interior is gorgeous, and to go along with its new look, our favorite talented candy makers have created some fun new treats: The Goofy Caramel Apple & The Mickey Sour Powder Caramel Apple!
While walking around the newly renovated store for the first time, I immediately noticed the new Caramel Apple “Bar” area where you can order refrigerated caramel apples and various drinks (water, soda, juice, milk, and energy drinks). Located in the back of the store where it connects with the Coca Cola Refreshment Corner, this little area is a great addition to the Candy Palace.

After asking around a bit, I learned that these two new caramel apples were debuting specially for the store’s grand reopening. Normally, I wouldn’t thrown down $20 on two caramel apples, but both were just way too intriguing so I broke down. After purchase, my boys and I went right outside to dig into Goofy. We had Mickey packed up to take home and test out the following day!
Mickey Sour Powder Apple
We waited, not so patiently, for the following day to try our the Mickey Sour Powder apple. It was a “regular” Mickey apple coated with the Disney sour powder (or pucker powder) stuff — you know those tubes your, I mean, my kids are always
begging for?
The Mickey Sour Powder Apples were available in 3 different colors: Orange, Green & Blue.
My boys chose green, which was sour apple. The orange was orange flavor (big surprise!) and the blue I believe — but didn’t confirm — was the blue raspberry flavor.
Now, my favorite thing about bringing a caramel apple home to try? I get to use my apple slicer, which makes for a much easier, much cleaner snacking experience.
The ears were the first thing we tried. I was actually quite surprised that they were really tasty. The sweetness of the marshmallow combined with the sour apple powder was a fun flavor combo. I barely got a photo; my boys devoured them.
After ear removal, it was time to get out the handy dandy apple cutter. I seriously love this thing.
OK, now that we’ve got the slices ready to go, it was time to try this thing out. I actually didn’t think I’d like it at all. I do like sour, but I’m not a big fan of those tubes of sour powder…
However, I’m happy to report that I LOVED this apple. The granny smith apple is dipped in caramel, then coated with a later of white chocolate, then dusted with the sour apple powder. The powder is not overwhelmingly sour, but just sour enough to pack a little punch. I love that the flavors are layered as sour (the actual apple), then sweet (the caramel and the chocolate) and then sour again with the powder coating.
Overall I really loved this apple, it was such a fun and different way to enjoy a classic treat. Big props go out to Disneyland candy makers for coming up with this one.
The Goofy Caramel Apple
When we ordered the Goofy Caramel Apple, I asked the Cast Member if the coloring was sour powder (it was so bright, and was displayed with the other sour powder apples). She told me, “Yes.” BUT, once we got to our table, we realized it was sanding sugar like the World of Color apples.
Not a big deal, but we were expecting a totally different flavor…
First step in our Goofy Apple deconstruction was removing his marshmallow hat!
At this point, we were noticing that the sanding sugar was really melty. Like a kind of gross gooey situation. I think maybe because it was being stored in a refrigerated case, the condensation was melting the sugar. We noticed a little pool of it under Goofy’s Hat.
When inquiring about the apple, I had also asked what the ears were made of. Again, I got an “educated guess,” and was told they were chocolate. BUT to our surprise, we discovered that Goofy’s ears were actually chocolate-covered Extreme Airheads! FUN and YUMMY!

By now we were making a total mess and the melted sanding sugar was really starting to look gross. I peeled off the bottom paper and noticed more yucky mess.
The melted sugar didn’t affect the flavor, but it was really a giant mess. After cutting the apple, my fingers were already stained from handling it. Bizarre, because when I tried the World of Color apple, this did not happen at all.
Unfortunately, they won’t cut your apples here. SO, you are handed a plastic knife and are forced to fend for yourself… I managed to tame the beast with my dull plastic weapon and we were able to finally dig in.
The apple was quite tasty, though there were no “special” flavors; in fact it was really just a standard caramel apple with a pretty cute disguise.
I probably would not buy one of these again; reason being, the photo below.
Although I was told that both of these apples were designed specially for the grand re-opening of The Candy Palace, I hope they are here to stay — especially the Mickey Sour Powder Apples!
As of right now, both apples are available exclusively at The Candy Palace.
Have you had a chance to try either apple? Thoughts on the sour powder coating?
Heather Sievers is the Disney Food Blog’s Dining in Disneyland columnist. See more of her columns here!
Love the sour powder apple idea, way to go Disney. I will have to get one when we go in July. Im so not a fan of the sugar apples (world of color, I tried and didnt like) the sanding sugar to me taste really powder-ie after a wile, when I got one mine did the melting sugar thing and it was a HUGE mess. I love most of Disneylands apples though (I just love carmel apples period hehe) it the first thing I buy everytime I go 🙂
Christal — Awesome!! I’m excited to try one, too. I think I’ll go for the blue raspberry…
@Christal – I agree, not a huge fan of the sanding sugar apples, so many better choices. This one was really different and delicious!
@AJ – Blue Raspberry will be yours very soon!
Heather – will definitely try the Sour Apple when we’re there on Sunday night for my birthday (also Mother’s Day!) I did want to mention that when I was there 2 nights ago, the reopened Candy Palace had Red Cinnamon Candy Apples (the hard kind!) Although I’ve been told by several cast members that they “sometimes” have them, I’ve never actually seen one there. I hope this is a permanent item, as they are so hard to come by on the west coast!
@Kim – Happy Birthday! That is my husband’s birthday too! I didn’t see the red candy apples when I was there, but I know they do carry them from time to time at Marceline’s in Downtown Disney. I would be great if they were a permanent item!