Hi from Aloha Isle in Magic Kingdom, where we’re trying the NEW Hei Hei Cone!
Inspired, of course, by Hei Hei from Moana, this new tribute-in-a-treat gives a nod to the rooster through its colors and garnishes to create yet another Instagram-worthy snack with character!
The Hei Hei Cone starts with a blue cone.
It’s filled with Dole Whip — the famous pineapple soft-serve, of course, and the specialty of Aloha Isle. BUT! It’s also filled with a new flavor of Dole Whip here at Aloha Isle: Raspberry!
It’s finished with sugar-piece “eyes” and a sour candy “comb.” Why, HELLO, Hei Hei!
The sour ribbon adds an extra bit of pucker to this already tart treat. There is no additional flavor, by the way, to the blue cone. It’s just your typical ice cream cone. But that’s ok because there is so much fruity flavor packed within that cone that you’re not missing out on anything extra! The raspberry is a truly delicious flavor addition topping all that already-beloved pineapple Dole Whip.
While we’re on that subject… you’ll notice on the menu that the Raspberry Dole Whip is NOT listed as a purchase on its own in a cup or float. You’ll only see it with the Hei Hei Cone.
And, in fact, you won’t even see the raspberry Dole Whip machine, as it’s kept in the back.
In speaking with a Cast Member (who had also inquired with her manager), the Raspberry Dole Whip is ONLY sold in the Hei Hei Cone… for now. We emphasize the “for now” because we got the impression that a change to this status might be on the way. (Though we want to emphasize “might,” as well 😉 ).
Note that the Hei Hei Cone is noted as a “limited-time offering” (according to the Disney World online menu). So get to Aloha Isle as soon as you can to say “Aloha!” to this new treat, just in case!
You’ll find Aloha Isle in Magic Kingdom’s Adventureland. Take a Food Tour of the whole land in our DFB YouTube Video!
Are any of these new dole whip creations snack credits on the DDP?
Do you know if raspberry, lemon and mango Dole Whip are also dairy free?
Are any of the specialty cones available in Disneyland California?
Is the raspberry flavour dairy free also?
For the sake of accuracy only, the blue cone in the Heui Hei Cone is a wafer cone, not a sugar cone. Sugar cones are waffle cones.
Hopefully they serve the raspberry as a float. Sweet frog has 6 flavors of dole whip and three combo flavors at our closest location. We will have to try this combo next trip.
Lorraine, thanks for the info!
We’re here for a few more days and are wondering whether to give that a go. How do you eat it in the extreme heat though without losing a lot of it through melting?
Michelle, it should be!
Erin, we haven’t heard of any plans to do this, but you can get the lemon flavor on Pixar Pier at the Adorable Snowman. If the character cones head west, we’ll update!
Amy, yes! The character cones are snack credit eligible!
@Lorraine Pollachek – You’re correct. Sugar cones are different. We also call the cones used for the Hei Hei “cake cones”
Muchas and Lorraine, I went in and amended the description of the cones. Thanks for reading!
O….M….G…. I had NO idea that Sweet Frog had Dole Whip!!!! I work about 2 miles from our local one and have never even been in. Time to change that, but fast! Thanks so much.
My husband and I were there in March. As usual, there was a long line for the door whips. I wanted to mobile order but it was not listed on the menu. My husband had to stand in a very long line to get his first taste of the hei hei cone. I just checked and it is still not listed on the mobile menu. I did walk up to the mobile order pickup place to speak to a cast member but I did not really get an answer as to why it wasn’t listed. Very frustrating!
I just got a Hei Hei cone 3 days ago and mine had Vanilla soft serve instead of Dole Whip pineapple. I was wondering when they changed it, or if they just made a mistake on mine!