Disney has some ADORABLE kitchen merch that can bring the parks right into your home!
But we found some towels (on sale!!) that instead pull in the world of Star Wars — and we think they sayings on them are really funny!!
food IS a theme park
Disney has some ADORABLE kitchen merch that can bring the parks right into your home!
But we found some towels (on sale!!) that instead pull in the world of Star Wars — and we think they sayings on them are really funny!!
By Erin 8 Comments
I took a detour into Williams Sonoma this morning during what I sincerely hope was my last pilgrimage into a mall in 2011. Boy am I glad I did.
You see, my daughters have been in serious Snow White worship mode for a while now. To spare my husband’s dignity, I am not posting the photos from this Halloween where the neighbor girls (including my daughter Josie) were the dwarves, my daughter Louisa was Snow herself, and hubby Jeff was, you guessed it, the evil queen. But I digress …
So you can imagine how thrilled I was to see that Williams Sonoma is carrying a line of Snow White themed bakeware.
The line includes a cupcake decorating kit, cookie cutters (unfortunately only 4 of the characters are represented here), a cakelet baking pan (with all dwarves accounted for), a spatula with the flipper part as Snow’s face, a pink child-sized apron with an embroidered Snow White as well as generic pink princess apron.
The merchandise was very sturdy and well-made. This product line reminds me of [Read more…]