Bring your smartphones to the 2011 Epcot Food and Wine Festival! There’s a new Food and Wine App! Just scan the QR code (looks like Spaceship Earth!) found on any of the booth menus at the festival.
This app will give menus and prices for each booth, the videos we highlighted here, and recipes. Find out what events are being offered and if the event that interests you is still available or sold out. Look for concert schedules, food locations, and social media sharing tools.
Of course, we just have to mention that the Disney Food Blog is STILL your resource for World Showcase booth food photos — these are not yet available on the Disney app as far as we can tell! 😉 We’ve updated our individual booth pages with this year’s menu photos and pricing, too!
We’ll see you at the Festival!
What an awesome idea- especially the recipes! Maybe some folks will take pictures of all the codes so those of us not lucky enough to go can scan the codes.
I just scanned the code off the monitor screen. It takes you to a centralized site, not booth specific. Then you can navigate to the booths, or events, or concerts.
I think there is only one code.
Just scan the screen. I love that included is a map and every booth is listed with the food offered, a discription and price. You can make favorited of the foods you want at each booth which is great so you can make you that you try everything you want and not miss anything. Great app!!!
Not to be picky, but this is not an app, it’s just a QR code that will take you to a web page with Food & Wine info. An app would have all of this info directly on your smartphone possibly with live information and schedule updates. They could just as easily have put a URL on the sign to the same effect (but it wouldn’t have been as modern).
That said, the info at that URL is really useful!
Since it’s just a website URL, here’s the link:
If you use a smartphone or other small device, you get a nice interactive website that acts like an app. If you try it with a standard computer browser, it will bounce you to the Facebook page for the Food and Wine Festival:
WARNING: There IS an app available out there, from a company called McLean Mobile systems. I downloaded it today and I have to say, it’s a real disappointment. At a high-price point for an app ($4.99), it offers menus but not pictures or prices, despite the fact both are readily available from numerous sources. Just don’t want anyone else to get ripped off by these folks the way I feel I did!
This is a very cool idea. I opened it in Safari and put it on my homescreen. It won’t save any of mynfavorites though, not sure why. But it’s nice to have the prices and the recipes are a great addition!