UPDATE: Sadly, Disney has removed its hot cheese dispensers from its counter-service locations as of June 2015. You may still be able to order plastic cheese as a topping for your snacks from cast members directly.
Hot Cheese Dispenser at Casey’s Corner
Since spending a year in Switzerland, my family’s traditional Christmas Eve dinner has been fondue. There’s just nothing better, in my opinion, than an entire meal centered on hot cheese and an accompanying carb.
So, while I’m at the in-law’s this year for Christmas Eve and therefore don’t get to partake in the fondue with Mom and Dad, I’ll post a food blog about another version of hot, melty cheese in honor of my family’s traditional meal.
Cheese Fries at All Star Movies
What’s The Cheese?
If you’ve been following the Disney Food Blog, you know that one of my favorite Disney treats is a big plate of cheese fries; but you can’t find the gorgeous, bright yellow cheese just anywhere. This exalted condiment is the consistency of melted plastic, and the number of places to find it on property is shrinking.
Where’s The Cheese?
I used to find the hot cheese dispensers at every counter service spot — Casey’s, Electric Umbrella, Cosmic Ray’s, Pecos Bill’s, etc. Lately, I’ve only found the cheese at Casey’s and Pecos Bill’s in the park, but I have found it over at the All Stars and Pop Century food courts!
Spot Awaiting Hot Cheese at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
Here’s a quick primer:
Casey’s and Pecos Bill’s in the Magic Kingdom: Unlimited hot cheese can be self-served from dispensers in the fixin’s bars.
All Stars and Pop Century Food Courts: Get cheese fries. Ask for an extra cup of cheese if the amount of cheese on your fries is stingy (and…how could it not be?)
Extra Cheese for Dipping at All Star Movies
Why Do You Like The Cheese?
I have no idea. It’s not as good as the queso I’ve been sampling since moving to the southwest, and I truly have no idea what this stuff can possibly be made from. It doesn’t look like there are any natural products in there! But, for some strange reason, I’m addicted to that bright yellow delicousness.
If you agree, let me know. I’d love to hear from others who love this strange add-on.
If you’re against me, let me know that, too! How can you avoid the siren call of the hot cheese calling out for a dip from your fries?