For the past several weeks, we’ve carefully followed the developments that have taken place related to Florida’s heavily criticized “Don’t Say Gay” Bill and the responses from the Disney Company.
The Company issued an initial statement, CEO Bob Chapek later sent a memo on the topic, and since then we’ve seen a more formal stance from the Company, an apology from Chapek, further statements from Chapek, news about Disney walkouts related to the Bill, and more. Now, we’ve got a new development.
According to The Hill, Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which critics call the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, has officially been signed into law by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The law will take effect starting July 1st, 2022.
As The Wall Street Journal had previously noted, the “Florida bill prohibits instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity from kindergarten to third grade and in later grades if not ‘age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.'” As The Hill specifies, as a result of this (now) Law, “classroom instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity will be restricted in the state’s primary schools. Educators of all grade levels are prohibited from engaging in instruction on those topics in a manner that is not ‘age appropriate or developmentally appropriate’ for children.”
Specifically, the text of the Bill (now law) says “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
Governor DeSantis signed the Bill into law during a ceremony on March 28th, 2022 at Classical Preparatory School in Spring Hill.
In response to the signing of the Florida legislation, the Walt Disney Company issued an official statement on Twitter and on the Company’s website. In it, they share that “Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law.”
Disney goes on to say “Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.”
Disney ends by saying “We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.”
You can read the statement in full below:
Statement from The Walt Disney Company on signing of Florida legislation:
— Walt Disney Company (@WaltDisneyCo) March 28, 2022
We’ll continue to look for more updates about this legislation and Disney’s responses to it. To see more about the Bill and other updates that had been previously shared about this topic, click the links below:
- Disney issues statement on “Don’t Say Gay” bill (now law)
- Disney CEO Bob Chapek comments on the Bill (now law)
- Chapek comments on the Company’s stance on the Bill (now law) and actions moving forward
- Chapek issues apology following Disney’s response to Bill (now law)
- Human Rights Campaign rejects Disney’s donation and issues response
- Disney employees plan walkouts in response to Bill (now law)
- California governor addresses Disney following responses to the Bill (now law)
- Same-sex kiss put back into “Lightyear” after criticism of Disney’s response to the Bill (now law)
- Chapek addresses the Florida Bill (now law) and assures further changes during Company meeting
- Supportive LGBTQIA+ statements shared by Disney ahead of planned walkouts
- Learn more about the walkouts
Read the bill and call it by its right name. Disney has no business in politics. I’m very disappointed in Disney. Parents must have control over what their children are taught.
Our governor is the best ! Thank you Mr Desantis ! Florida is so blessed to have you. thank you for helping us stand against the tide of perversion.
My family and I have been going to Disney World since 1975. I’ve been to Disney World for the last time. Walt Disney would be ashamed of what Disney World has turned into. LGBTQs, be what you want, you have that right, but leave the teaching of sexuality to the children’s parents. I don’t think enough people will stop going to Disney World to hurt them, but the magic is dead. May it Rest In Peace.
Please stop calling it the Don’t Say Gay bill. It is a parental rights bill and it is up to parents to instruct their children on these issues, though I cannot recall parents or teachers instructing me on any sexual issue at that young age. Teachers should stick to school subjects period. Disney is wrong on this one.
This is the last straw. Until Chapik is gone our family will no longer go to Disneyworld.
Question to Elvis Presley on opinion on Vietnam war: “…I’m just an entertainer.” So, Bob Chepak, shut up and entertain us. Real smart to alienate the majority of your patrons by taking a political stand on something you obviously haven’t read or understand. Also, Bob, it’s got nothing to do with your support of any lifestyle of customer. Lastly, while you’re at it, stop nickel and diming people at the parks; along with a long list of things you’re done to remove the Magic. As a loyal Disney park goer since February 1972, I’m really disappointed on the direction the Chepak has taken the company; especially since coming off of COVID time.
AJ, you’ve done a good job staying out of this issue and even giving unbalanced views on all the other silly things the Chepak has done. Love your site and videos.
VBW wrote:
“it would open the door for state governments (while publicly decrying what they call government “overreach” for the federal government to protect private company workers), to literally be able to legislate private company policy.”
So I guess you weren’t alive for the last two years when both state and federal governments ORDERED private businesses to CLOSE DOWN and that those stores allowed to be open had to enforce mask mandates?
The Parental Rights in Education Law doesn’t have anything to do with regulating private businesses. Stop making leaps of (il)logic and remember that most of America were obedient little sheeple who dutifully put on their masks and closed down their businesses. Hey, didn’t DISNEY close their businesses for months on end because the federal GOVERNMENT told them to? The federal government is STILL ordering commercial airlines to mandate masks aboard planes. Those are private companies, right? Why aren’t you mad about that?
Disney is supposed to be a happy place. Why are they involved in politics?? I love Disney but do not think I can support Disney now. This makes me very sad but they need to stick to what they do and not get involved where they do not belong. It is a parental rights bill not a gay bill. Walt was all for families and these new heads of Disney are not. It is up to us parents to teach these things to our children not Disney!!
It is sad to see and watch as Disney sinks further down the hole in support of immorality and depravity. It is becoming apparent that they are a big part of the problem with the immorality of our society and not the solution. How very sad. ☹️🤬
I agree with the comment by Stephen Yourich & because of Disney’s stance we will not be renewing our annual passes after 19 years. Disney’s family values are not the same standards as they once were. Look at “Turning Red” for another example. Can’t give them any of my money any longer.
Shame on Disney. It’s called, “Parental Rights to Education” Law and it doesn’t allow sexual talk of any kind. Straight or Gay. I will be canceling Disney + and I highly suggest other parents do the same. I am a mother of a 3 year old and I have a right to know what is being taught in classrooms and what is being taught to my son when he is ready for school.
I’ve read the bill. I live in Florida. The problem with the bill is the vague wording and the decisions about “age Appropriate” being left in the hands of the Governor and those he appoints. At the moment it seems that Florida needs to publish a booklet on all of the “new laws” the Governor and a very one-sided legislature have made in the past two years to be given to anyone who is thinking of coming to Florida. I’m not on either political side but am very concerned about all of these new “laws” and the fact that many citizens have had nothing to say about them. Also, Disney or any company or individual has a “Right” to protest what they feel is not good for their business or themselves and their families. The company is one of, if not the. largest employers in the state. At the moment i live in an area where the Governor has just appointed two of our county comissioners without any input from the local citizens. The problem here is that these two people are all from the same part of the county and big supporters of the Governor. That leaves the rest of the of us with no representation on the commission. It’s this political vagueness and disregard for many citizens that is concerning.
Don’t like where Disney is going with this.
Disney has no business in the sexual identity world.
If Disney wants to develop parks for that reason, keep it from the environment that Disney was built on.
A persons lifestyle should be private.
Disney is in the business of bringing entertainment to families, that is their job. Not political agendas. Very sad day.
Andy Henderson– What “immorality and depravity”? Disney is standing up for equal rights for all people.
And I love the people in these comments claiming that they won’t go to Disney again! We all know you will.
Joem …
Disney is not standing up for equal rights of all people. What about the parents that want to be able to teach their own children about sexuality at an age they see fit ??? Disney going against that bill is going against the parents. I do agree with you that mostly all of the people that say they won’t return to Disney won’t keep their word. I don’t agree with Disney on a lot of different issues but I will still go. I never would say I wouldn’t.
I live in Florida. i have read this and all of the bills rushed through the legislature. Today there was an article that said the Dept of Ed and the Governor have turned down many math texts for use because they feel that the MATH texts violate their new laws. However when asked why no examples or explanations were given. Parental rights seems to only apply to those who agree with The governor. When some parents ask who is making the judgments on texts and other determiners they don’t get any answers. I’ve read all of the bills numerous times and the wording is vague and who will be making the decisions on content is never clear or obviously those who agree with the governor and his supporters. I’m not a member of either party and can see both sides. Right now I see many steps being taken to satisfy one group of voters to the exclusion of others.
Disney or any company has a right to express opinions on anything that effects their business. That used to be the idea in Florida. I suggest anyone read all of the bills lately passed before deciding to relocate or start a business in the present Florida. Parents have always had the right to examine texts here. What about the rights of parents and business owners who disagree with what is happening….Don’t they have rights? Don’t they have the right not to be sued because they don’t agree with one group over others? Be sure to read the entire bill and the proposed penalties before defending or contesting it. Living here is a bit different that listening to one group or one media outlet.