First things first: Answers to yesterday’s food photo quiz are at the bottom of this post! But, now, on to today’s post!
Many of you know that across the path from Epcot’s Chefs de France Restaurant is a crepe and ice cream stand. It’s there year-round, always ready to cater to any sugary whim you may have. Personally, my addiction to chocolate crepes requires me to stop once in a while to relive my days of visiting France, where crepes were cheap and plentiful. So I was excited when my dad sent this file of pics from his recent WDW trip. He’d snapped photos from outside the kiosk as the CM went through the process of making both a chocolate crepe and a sugar crepe in Epcot’s France.
Epcot French Crepe Kiosk
When I opened the file, all of these photos were laid out right next to each other; I couldn’t help but think they looked like a very cool animation flip book! I wanted you to see them the same way. There’s a photo of the menu at the end, so you can see what other delectable goodies you can sample at the kiosk. Enjoy… [Read more…]