Like Adventureland and Fantasyland, the “Kingdom of Good Eating” at Disneyland is another great attraction.
recently published on scribd a scan of the July 15, 1955, Souvenir edition of the Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram. This is a Disneyland edition, on the front of which Walt Disney himself introduces Disneyland’s Magic Kingdom to the readers:
Presented in this special newspaper section are a few of the many delights and wonders that are yours to enjoy in Disneyland.
The paper includes stories about Disneyland’s new attractions, along with ads for Disneyland’s contracted landscapers, gas company, electric company, roofers, bra shoppe (??), and more. Of course, what we’re interested in is the food.
The following are several ads for the new Disneyland restaurants, along with one of a few journalistic stories about the dining options. If an image is too small to read, just click and enlarge.
Intro to the “Kingdom of Good Eating” in Disneyland
Article About Disneyland Restaurants
Disneyland Space Bar Ad
Disneyland Aunt Jemima Restaurant Ad
Disneyland Red Wagon Inn and Swift Meats Ad
Disneyland Chicken of the Sea Ad
Top of Carnation Ice Cream Parlor Ad
Bottom of Carnation Ice Cream Parlor Ad
Note: click here to read more about the Carnation Ice Cream Parlor.
We’re headed to Disneyland to cover the California Food and Wine Festival this Spring — check out our coverage as it unfolds over on our Disney’s California Food and Wine Festival page! (You can also click on it on the left-hand sidebar of our blog page!)
Great post AJ. Love the scans of the old ads.
Thanks, James! I started this blog to publish pictures of food, but I can’t resist the fascinating history of food in the parks and resorts.
You know, it’s thay extra “pe” in “bra shoppe” that makes it classy.
I guess 1986 didn’t quite live up to 1955’s vision of the future. 😀
Chris — My thoughts exactly. Can you imagine a theme park getting away with that today? (Well, I guess it depends on the theme park…)
Shayne — I KNOW! I always think that’s interesting to see what people choose for the date of “the future.”
Great post thanks for sharing. The first time I went to Disneyland was 1959, I think I remember some of the places mentioned in the ads.
Thanks Glenn! Much obliged for the kudos from a fellow respected blogger!