We know we’ve been piling a lot on your plate lately, but Disney World is dishing up a heaping amount of news lately! Our cup runneth over, TOO!
Now that Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom are officially reopening on July 11th along with Epcot and Hollywood Studios on July 15th, Disney World has created a new Annual Passholder webpage with some VERY important information!
Disney has shared that they are rolling out a brand new reservation system to limit capacity therefore Disney World has temporarily stopped selling park tickets and isn’t currently accepting new reservations.
Disney has kind of been piecing together what will be needed in order to obtain a reservation. For starters, they have shared “When our theme parks reopen, we will manage attendance through a new theme park reservation system on DisneyWorld.com that will require all guests to make a reservation in advance for theme park entry. Over the coming weeks, we will be making some necessary updates to prepare for the launch of this park reservation system,” They also informed guests that “Guests with existing Resort reservations will have priority access to the new park reservation system when it becomes available.”
Accessing the New Webpage
Now, Disney has rolled out a new webpage with updated information for Annual Passholders. This webpage is pretty hard to find you guys so we thought we’d walk you through it a bit so you can find it again later! You can also click HERE to access the new page.
- Visit the Disney World website.
- On the website, you will see a large chunk of text describing the closures. Click view important details at the bottom of this text and you will be taken to a new experience update page.
- If you scroll towards the bottom of this experience page you will see a blue text box that reads Annual Passes.
- Click learn more and you will be redirected to the new Annual Passholder update page.
New Annual Passholder Information Regarding Reservations
Information on this page shares that due to high-demand for re-entry (and the parks not being able to accommodate as many guests each day) Annual Passholders will only be allowed to hold a certain number of reserved days at one time once the new reservation system is put in place. They also share that it may be difficult for Annual Passholder’s to get reservations on certain dates. Here’s how the statement reads on Disney World’s website:
Disney World also notes some AP member benefits and features might not be available while Annual Passes will still be subject to blackout dates.
We know that this statement can be rather confusing. But what we can take from it is that dates for Annual Passholders may be limited and that passes will be subject to block out dates and depending on your pass type, these dates may vary.
So while this can all be confusing and even overwhelming, take a deep breath! Disney is still saying that Annual Passholders will have the ability to make reservations. Those reservations just may have a few limitations based on the type of pass you have. We’re not gonna lie, things are gonna be a little bit weird for a while. But we here at DFB have got YOU! We will do our best to brake these weird statements down and will do our best to get you all the answers you need. So, if you have any questions, please let us know!
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TUTORIAL: How To Use Disney World's NEW Park Pass Reservation System
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We’re LIVE in Disney World's Magic Kingdom For the FIRST Time Since the Closures
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Are you an Annual Passholder? Let us know in the comments below!
I’m not seeing the “annual passes” hyperlink.
Thank you so much for all the updates! I fall into the resort reservation group. Do you think we will use the same annual pass link to make reservations? And do you think premium will have black out dates?
Okay, so all of my dining reservations at resorts will be cancelled? Will I get priority to make new reservations? Thx!
Soooo… if APs aren’t able to get reservations due to shortage of tickets available, is Disney going to compensate the AP?
Thanks, Lisa. We’re updating the post to get you directly to the AP page since it’s a little buried in the DisneyWorld.com webpages.
You can’t make a reservation if you can’t buy a annual pass.
Are we going to be able to see the block out dates for passholders before the parks open?
Just wanted to give a positive shout out to DFB! I’m an avid Disney fan so therefore I’m an avid DFB fan too. Y’all are sooo good about posting the latest news and sometimes decoding the latest news when necessary. I so appreciate all the hard work you do. Thank you very much! You guys rock!
do you know if this is just for top tier passholders again like Galaxy’s Edge?
I’m an annual passholder , DVC member. Haven’t checked site out yet but how will impact upcoming visits in December and February?
Jenny, thank you so much for your kind words. I shared your message with the team. 🙂
Dear DFB,
It’s my favorite:)
My question is: What about Park Hopping? Am I stuck in the one park the whole day? As an example, We are used to going into Epcot for lunch then to Magic to ride some of my favorites in the Kingdom.
Thanks, any info is appreciated!
As a resident Florida passholder with a sliver pass because I can’t afford anything higher all I can say is thanks for the good times but I can not see paying $40 a month and then making a reservation on top of that and all those black out dates.
Thanks for the memories Mickey !
I am so excited to go back I would live a meal at any Disney restaurant in the parks or resort!!
Thank you so very much for ALL the updates!!
I think it’s great that APs will be able to visit the park when it reopens, however many I speak to wonder how and if Disney will still charge AP’s their full AP cost given the lack of shows, fireworks, parades and character meet and greets in July. I am certainly debating whether to renew my Fl Res AP if the price continues to be $77 a month given what I’ll have to sacrifice until further notice.
I couldn’t get your link to work, but following your instructions got me right to the AP info page. There have been so many rumors over the last couple of weeks and especially the last couple of days so it was good to see an actual Disney update that provided some clarity for the park reservation system for AP holders.
We’re coming for 9 days starting in August. If we can’t go to the parks for 9 days with our annual pass, we may have to cancel our trip as it won’t be worth it. That is our only trip this year.
I ditto the statement with Jenny! I love following DFB! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to helping al of us! 💜
Thanks for the updates on the annual pass arrangements. Yes, it sounds a bit complicated however reading it slowly seems to help. Looking forward to further updates.
Keep up the good work of informing us.
Bob H
Thanks for the info! I am an AP with reservations in resorts (1 was canceled by Disney in June, 1 by me for June, 1 still shows in July and one still shows in October) and have dining, MNSSHP tickets, and dessert party reservations. Despite all this, NO emails from Disney AT ALL! I’m wondering why I’m hearing others are getting info about their APs and reservations and I’m not.
The webpage really doesn’t give us any really helpful information yet. How is this really going to work? What about parkhoping? Is that dead now?
George, we are watching for this info!
Michelle, you could reach out to Disney to see if they can clarify some things for you. I’m not sure if they’d be able to check to see about your email address, though. Sorry I can’t be more helpful!
Thanks, Melanie!
CJ, we hear ya! We don’t know what they’ll be doing about Park Hopping yet. When the theme park reservation system goes live, hopefully we’ll be able to figure this out. And we’ll report back as soon as we know.
Here is the way I understand this reservation protocol . Resort guests will get first access to making reservations. Then vip guests will be allowed to make reservations. Then, annual pass holders. The problem with this is there will be more resort guests and vip guests than available reservations. So pass holders will have little to no chance of getting reservations.
Being a silver pass holder, I’m going to cancel the remaining months on my annual pass as I don’t foresee any times I will be able to go for the rest of this year. Plus, wearing a mask all dayIn the Florida heat will be so uncomfortable , I think I will need to pass on Disney for a year or so. Very sad.
We are APs from the UK & due to travel in November with family who aren’t – currently waiting to see how the reopening goes (and of course whether we are allowed to travel) before deciding whether we visit or cancel. Thanks for the updates.
So I’m a FL resident AP (Silver) with blackout dates and I’m really bummed. I could have been going to the parks through June 4th and now won’t be able to return until Aug so basically any of the extra perks for this closure that I was supposedly getting from Disney (extended time on our passes) doesn’t really benefit me because it will all fall in to my blackout dates. I lost 3+ months of park time to get an extension that basically falls in to my blackout dates. 🙁
Penny, I think this would be a good topic to discuss with Disney. They may have a way to address it.
I need to figure out how to unsubscribe to this thread. I have done everything I know to do and I keep getting an email every time someone responds; however, my comment was deleted and no one responded. I am very disappointed.
Hi, Randi, looks like I missed this question the other day. Apologies! Disney hasn’t released information on that (not surprising, right?). I would hope that info would be released sooner rather than later, but there’s no way to know right now. The only info Disney has really officially released for Annual Passholder is here. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful!
Tracey, it sounds like guests with ADRs that were cancelled can expect to have priority in making new ones. Disney added to this a reminder that if your ADR is in a Park, you’ll also need a Park reservation to get there.
Susan, no idea on this. Hopefully we’ll get more info soon!
Daniel, there’s no timeline attached to the information Disney has officially released, so I can’t say how it might impact Dec./Feb. trips. We will have to see how all of this unfolds.
Jassbell, no word on this yet.
Carl, they didn’t specify as far as I know. We’ll report when more information is available.
Randi, I got to your earlier question thanks to this reminder. I will see if I can get the notifications turned off, but I’m not sure I can from my end. Sorry for the disruptions!
I am disappointed in how Disney is handling this. We who pay so much for Annual Passes are being told we’re maybe going to get into a park, but probably not many, and only for a portion of what would have been a normal day, minus much of the Disney magic.
Those who have passes with blackout days will be out of luck when the park opens if it happens to be their blackout days (regardless of how many NON-blackout days they missed). We pay a lot for our AP, and it’s a business contract. We pay money, we get X benefits (park hopping and access 365 days/year, etc. in return). If that is no longer what Disney can offer, they need to either extend everyone’s passes UNTIL they can hold up their end of the contract, or refund a portion of each pass while maintaining the full length of the pass. No, of course, the virus isn’t Disney’s fault. But it’s not the AP’s either, and we shouldn’t be left holding the bag for the cost while we cannot under Disney’s rules, access what we’ve paid for. If I hire a company to paint my house, and they cannot paint the house through no fault of my own, I don’t pay them until they can. This is no different. Disney didn’t gift us those APs. We paid for a specific set of services.
Walt would be ashamed. This is NOT good show.
We have two Florida residents annual passes and we had to fly back to the U/K in January and have not been able to fly back to Florida because of the virus , can we get a refund on our passes.
Karen, I’d suggest reaching out to Disney since there are so many little details on these refund policies.
Any information on the 15% AP renewal discounts being available when AP’s become available again, regardless of the current AP expiration date?
Ricky, no info on this as far as I know. We will keep watching for AP updates.