Well, look who’s joined the Star Wars Weekends party… JABBA THE HUTT!!!
Brand new this year, Jabba joins the Star Wars Character Cupcake line-up alongside the Darth Vader Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cupcake and the Yoda Chocolate Cupcake with Hazelnut Buttercream Icing. Jabba the Hutt and Yoda can be found at Starring Rolls, Trolley Car Cafe, Backlot Express, and Tusken Fridge Raiders.
The Darth Vader Cupcake is the only Star Wars Cupcake that can be found at ALL Hollywood Studios Counter Service locations.
So where, exactly, is Tusken Fridge Raiders? The premiere Star Wars snack stop for this year is tucked inside Watto’s Grotto inside of Darth’s Mall, the main merchandise location for Star Wars Weekends.
All three cupcakes are available there (though you’ll find them a little cheaper in the Counter Service locations for $5.19), along with the four specialty Star Wars Weekends cocktails, which we’ll be checking out in a future post.
Incidentally, Tusken Fridge Raiders is THE home to
the Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite Popcorn Bucket!
Anyway, back to the task at hand… cupcakes! We led a side by side taste test of the Vader and Yoda cupcakes over Star Wars Weekends last year, but this year we’re allowing Jabba the Hutt to be the star of his own cupcake show. I think we can all agree it’s unwise to cross Jabba.
Before we go into taste, I gotta say that Jabba totally deserves the award for Best Looking Star Wars Character Cupcake. The white chocolate candy face is spot on, but the way it blends almost seamlessly into the frosting makes him look even truer to character from the sides.
We can’t go much further, though, without addressing one discrepancy. We grabbed our Jabba at Starring Rolls Cafe.
While the sign says “Chocolate Cupcake with Salted Caramel Frosting”… it’s not.
My only guess is that this may be due to some last minute decision to add a little variety to the already very chocolatey selection available thanks to the Darth Vader and Yoda Cupcakes. Either way, there ya go. The Salted Caramel Frosting, however, is true to its name.
Anyway, I didn’t really mind the discrepancy once I dug in. The green cake base has a very mild flavor, which I took to be basic vanilla cake with food coloring.
My husband, on the other hand, thought he detected the slightest hint of pistachio flavoring, but whether that was a Jedi mind trick from the unusual color or the true flavor, I’m not sure. What I do know is that it was wonderfully moist and, in comparison to the other Star Wars cupcakes, surprisingly simple in flavor, which I found very appealing and a great pairing with the salted caramel frosting. The salted caramel flavor, while present, was very subtle. Just a hint of salty buttery-ness, and not at all cloying or overly candy-flavored.
To sum: it’s delicious — just the thing for your own visit to Star Wars Weekends or Boonta Eve celebration.
So, what say you? Which Star wars character cupcake would it be for you: Yoda, Darth Vader, or Jabba the Hutt? Would you go purely with your flavor preference, or maybe the perfect photo op? Or would you lean towards the character for which you have a particular fondness? All I know is, as always…. it’s so many cupcakes, so little time!
Which Star wars Character Cupcake would you select? Please let us know with a comment!
For me, the flavors were way too subtle on this one. Both in the large and mini versions, there’s not much flavor anywhere. I couldn’t really tell where the caramel was. No specific flavor profile seemed to work it’s way past the basic butter cream icing (which is good in it’s own right). If I wasn’t looking… it could have been a vanilla cupcake with butter cream icing. Perhaps a healthy drizzle of caramel over the top of the whole cupcake would help.
As far as “Salted” goes… we all know salt is everywhere, in everything… heck, there’s probably salt in the cake batter, but if you’re going to put the word “Salted” in the title, I’m expecting to feel the crunch in the product. Disney… meet Maldon’s. Adding actual salt flakes to the top of the Jabba cupcake would be both quick, and inexpensive. Win, win. Cute monochromatic cupcake with an unfortunately monochromatic flavor profile.
I’d go with Yoda; he’s a good guy and I’d like the combo of chocolate and the buttercream icing. Also, I never liked that Jabba guy. He looks like a garden slug with a hugely over active pituitary gland problem. Ugh. BTW, I like that you’ve now added photos to your ‘Other posts you may like’.
I can tell you first hand, the green cupcakes are just vanilla with food coloring 😉
Every year I always regret not making time to make it to this. The cupcake sounds amazing, though I’m wondering if they used white chocolate instead of dark so they could get that coloring? Oh, and that popcorn bucket? That’s a need, not a want. For sure.
I loved the Jabba cupcake! Totally agree with the reviewer – it was subtle, but the flavor was there and delicious. It was very hot this past weekend, and I much preferred a lighter vanilla cupcake to the other super rich chocolate ones. Would definitely recommend it!
If there is pistachio in the Jabba cupcake that eliminates all of the cupcakes for those with nut allergies. Most kids with peanut allergies have to stay away from tree nuts until they are older. It would be sad to learn that Disney has continued to take away all the cupcake options for this fun event. 🙁
A smaller version of the Jabba the Hutt cupcake is also available on the dessert buffet at Hollywood and Dine. As icky as it looked (Which is good, since it looked just like Jabba), it was the best of all the desserts I tried at the buffet!
What’s up with the $17 limeade? More than the alcoholic bevs!
Thank you Pastry Cook!
The missus and I shared this yesterday. It was good but in no way did I taste any caramel in the frosting. It was a good cupcake and flavor overall just not as advertised.