Ever dreamed about what it’s like to work at Disney World? It’s certainly a unique job; not many people can say that their boss is a mouse. Well, today, I want to talk about a very specific type of Cast Member: the Character Attendant. These people have a FUN job, but what’s it really like to work so closely with THE Mickey Mouse? I’m glad you asked!

Mickey Mouse
When you meet a character in Disney World, there will ALWAYS be a Character Attendant nearby. A Character Attendant is not the same thing as the character itself; the Cast Members wearing the blue polo shirts are Character Attendants (a.k.a. “blueberries“). These Cast Members are there to help! Need a pen for autographs? Need someone to translate Mickey’s “Happy Birthday” message? That’s the job of a Character Attendant! As a former Character Attendant, I know what it’s like to monitor the line, keep an eye on character interactions, take photos, and keep an eye on the time…all at the same time. Now that I’m a Regular Person and am no longer a Cast Member, I’m spilling some secrets! Ever wondered what a Character Attendant WISHES they could say?