If you are eagerly awaiting the return of the sweet, minty creaminess that is the Shamrock shake, then you are in luck!
McDonald’s has officially announced that the Shamrock Shake will be returning on February 10th, but that is not all!
food IS a theme park
If you are eagerly awaiting the return of the sweet, minty creaminess that is the Shamrock shake, then you are in luck!
McDonald’s has officially announced that the Shamrock Shake will be returning on February 10th, but that is not all!
It’s always a good day when new Happy Meal Toys land at McDonald’s!
Whether we’re making a pit stop before or after hitting up the Disney World parks or just have a craving for some nostalgia, McDonald’s hits every time. And, McDonald’s is serving up some serious nostalgia with these new Pokémon Happy Meals!
If there’s one thing we know about McDonald’s, it’s that they love a seasonal menu item!
We’re constantly seeing the fast food brand release new limited-time offerings or bring back old menu favorites. And don’t even get us started on all the special edition Happy Meals! But if you’re a fan of the Netflix hit Squid Game, then you definitely want to know about their latest offering.
Something NEW has just arrived at McDonald’s!
Whether you are stopping by for some fresh fries, a refreshing Coke, or to grab the latest Happy Meal toy, sometimes it is SO hard to resist a McDonald’s run! Well, some new toys just arrived at McDonald’s, so another McDonald’s run may be in our future.
Here at DFB, we’re not-so-secretly big fans of McDonald’s!
We love trying the limited-time menu items, checking out the Happy Meal toys, and looking out for any bizarre announcements from the fast food brand. And the most recent announcement from McDonald’s is definitely falling in the “unexpected” category.
Cowabunga dudes!
A lot has changed about Walt Disney World over the last 50+ years, especially since the 1990s and early 2000s, meaning that there are a lot of things millennials once experienced at the parks that would seem wildly out of place now! Whether you’re a millennial who saw these during your youth or just wish you’d gotten to experience them, the fact that they once existed at Disney World will likely still blow your mind.
Yes, we’re the DISNEY Food Blog, but y’all know we love some McDonald’s.
Plus McDonald’s and Disney have always had a cool partnership, which means we’re always trying to collect Disney toys in Happy Meals when they’re available (sometimes we go a little overboard with those collections). We are also old enough to remember when you could get McDonald’s fries in Disney World (yes, that was REAL). So when McDonald’s announces the return of an ICONIC menu item, we’re going to get excited. So brace yourselves because the Snack Wrap is COMING BACK!
Sometimes after a long day at Disney World, you just need some comfort food. And if it’s late, there’s one spot you can likely find us for some chicken nugs and french fries — McDonald’s!
Plus, we can’t help but still be slightly obsessed with checking out the latest Happy Meal Toys even though we’re definitely way too old for that now. We recently learned that new Happy Meal Toys would be coming to McDonald’s soon, and now they’ve officially arrived!
Okay, is it just us, or is there some overlap between Disney fans and McDonald’s fans? Because, well, we’re both.
Maybe it’s because McDonald’s and Disney often partner to bring us fun Disney Happy Meal toys (and we get obsessed with some of the toy collections). Maybe it’s because some of us are old enough to remember eating McDonald’s fries in Disney World (oh, those were the days). Maybe it’s because we visit the world’s largest McDonald’s often, which just happens to be 15 minutes from Disney World. Anyway, that’s why we like to share McDonald’s news with you, and we’ve got a MAJOR update on a popular, but often controversial, sandwich.
Sometimes our readers ask us why we keep up with McDonald’s news, and the answer is that not only do McDonald’s and Disney World have history that goes back decades, but you can also visit a McDonald’s on Disney World property!
Plus, we love reading about the new Happy Meal toy news (you’re never too old for a Happy Meal in our eyes), and there’s some EXTRA special news coming out of McDonald’s for the holiday season that you won’t want to miss. Get ready to share the joy!